Or so it seems from the wonderful pictures we have received from Cary Audio’s customer in Nebraska. Dr. Wayne and his wife’s home has a dedicated stereo room and it’s cowboy themed!
While being a collector of things cowboy from the very early age Dr. Wayne is an avid music lover and recently upgraded his Cary Audio SLP-98 pre-amp to maximum specifications.
The stereo system they have in the ‘cowboy room’ includes:
- Linn LP12 with Ekos tonearm and Lyra MC cartridge, fully upgraded
- Budgie Step-Up Transformer
- George Wright phono stage
- Linn Karik and Numerik CD transport and DAC
- Cary SLP-98 preamp, fully upgraded
- Tubes for HiFi heavily modified EL34 triode amplifier by Dan Kapeller, Cheyenne, Wyoming
- Belle Klipsch speakers fully upgraded by Greg Roberts of Volti Audio
- Transparent power conditioner, super interconnects, speaker wire, and power cords